PJ day…

What an amazing success our pyjama day was! Everyone across school made such an effort and all for a fantastic cause. The children watched videos and learnt the stories of refugees from real refugees. Their stories helped the children understand the plight of those who seek refuge and those who are settling into their new homes. We saw that a refugees journey does not stop once they have reached our shores but will often go through many more trials until they are fully settled and feeling secure. We finished off by watching a video about human migration over time depicted through story and hand paintings. It showed us how we are all connected and share the same roots. We are an ACE community which strives support those who need it most. 

This week in year 5…

We have truly been Digital Ace’s this week. Our unit this half term is Vector Drawing and we have been using Google Drawings to create epic pieces of Art. We have learnt skills such as being able to order the images and how to differentiate between sending back one layer of multiple layers, cropping, using the predictive red lines to centre shapes, using short cuts to copy and paste, filling using black colours and gradients.

The children have loved celebrating the Kings coronation and spent the day doing different activities relating to it. This included Maths coronation code cracking, checkers, finishing the face artwork, watching short documentaries about the history of coronations and their significance and Blooket quizzes to have a competition to see how remembered the most – it got competitive!

The children in Year 5 have come together and thought about a cause they are passionate about and a way to raise awareness. After the success of last year’s Ukraine drive we are all very excited; the children are really stepping into their ACE Activist boots. We have decided that will we be raising money for Schools’ of Sanctuary and focusing on the life of refugees once they reached the safe shores of the UK. More information is to come. Follow the link below to find out more about the amazing work Schools’ of Sanctuary. https://schools.cityofsanctuary.org/

Homework is set every Friday on Google Classroom, this consolidates the work in class and the maths videos pre-teach key mathematical concepts in preparation for the following week. Please do encourage your child to complete these tasks as it will really support their learning.


  • Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on a Monday.
  • Monday 8th May is a bank holiday so children are not expected to be in school.
  • Malham Cove Trip is now on Parent pay (Trip date – Friday 23/6/23)

This week’s update…

We have finished a brilliant second week of term in year 5 this week and the children have been working very hard.
In Maths, we having been looking at Perimeter and Area. The children have done very well at understanding the difference and looking at how this knowledge applies to the real world. The children have really grasped the knowledge with confidence and because of this we were able to spend more time on problem solving and reasoning challenges.
In Writing this week we have started looking at a story about Miss Cookes first day at school. The children have been investigating different writing techniques which include up-levelled vocabulary, direct speech which is used to forward the action, relative clauses, how contrasting characters thoughts, feeling and actions can really impact the story and help add detail to their personalities.

Our class novel currently is ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ by Onjali Q. Rauf and has introduced our children to the activism focus for this half term. So far the story focusing on how the narrator and his classmates are trying to befriend a refugee child called Ahmet and understand more about him. The fact Ahmet is always reserved carries an air of mystery about him.
The children in Year 5 will being coming together to think about a cause they are passionate about and a way to raise awareness. After the success of last year’s Ukraine drive we are all very excited; the children are really stepping into their ACE Activist boots.

Homework is set every Friday on Google Classroom, this consolidates the work in class and the maths videos pre-teach key mathematical concepts in preparation for the following week. Please do encourage your child to complete these tasks as it will really support their learning.


  • Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on a Monday.
  • Monday 1st May is a bank holiday so children are not expected to be in school.
  • Malham Cove Trip is now on Parent pay (Trip date – 23/6/23)